The construction industry is a higher risk trade that requires appropriate Construction Insurance.
Construction projects can be dangerous for those on and around site. You, your employees, surveyors, inspectors,
the public and many others could be subject to risk at your construction site/job. This demonstrates just how
significant it is to ensure that you have the right construction liability insurance in place.
Our Construction team provides specialist advice and Comprehensive Construction Insurance packages
to cover your Construction Sites including:
Contractors ‘all risks’
This policy offers ‘All Risks’ protection for materials usually referred to as ‘contract works’,
and can also cover owned and hired-in contractors’ plant and employees’ personal tools and effects.
Construction Employers Liability
Cover your construction business for damages and legal costs anywhere in the world, in respect of employees
who have suffered injury or disease arising from, and in the course of, their employment.
Construction Public Liability
Protect your construction business against claims for compensation following accidental death
or personal injury to third parties (excluding employees).
Contractors Indemnity
Cover, with fewer conditions, for damage to materials, known as ‘contract works’, leading to expense,
liability, loss, claim or legal proceedings.
For a quick, simple ‘Construction Insurance’ quote contact one of our team of Insurance Specialists at: